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I'm sure you are going to love reading my inspirational quotes (messages) that can change you from an unwanted mood to your way of life. below are my 20 favorite lists that I have put in order especially for you. Subscribe to my website to receive the latest updates.
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1. Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being.
2. I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.
The Number Three Of This Quote Will Make You To Have Time For Your Own Self
3. Because paper has more patience than people.
4. Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
5. Soul mates' are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek with all diligence and prayerfulness to find a mate with whom life can be most compatible and beautiful, yet it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price.
6. How sweet is the assurance, how comforting is the peace that come from the knowledge that if we marry right and live right, our relationship will continue, notwithstanding the certainty of death and the passage of time. Men may write love songs and sing them. They may yearn and hope and dream. But all of this will be only a romantic longing unless there is an exercise of authority that transcends the powers of time and death.
From The Quote Number Seven, It Will Encourage You To Try Your Best In Anything You Do. You Don't Have To Be Afraid To Do Anything.
7. Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.
8. Now, brethren, do not expect perfection in your choice of a mate. Do not be so particular that you overlook her most important qualities of having a strong testimony, living the principles of the gospel, loving home, wanting to be a mother in Zion, and supporting you in your priesthood responsibilities. And one good yardstick as to whether a person might be the right one for you is this: in her presence, do you think your noblest thoughts, do you aspire to your finest deeds, do you wish you were better than you are?
Quote Number Nine Will Let You Know That You Don't Have To Force Yourself To Beloved
9. Love so joyfully and freely given can never be taken away. It is never truly gone.
10. What men and women need is encouragement. Their natural resisting powers should be strengthened, not weakened ... Instead of always harping on a man's faults, tell him of his virtues. Try to pull him out of his rut ... Hold up to him his better self, his real self that can dare and do and win out! ... People radiate what is in their minds and in their hearts.
11. Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; Thy friends do stand by thee...' -Jesus the Christ
12. If you always attach positive emotions to the things you want, and never attach negative emotions to the things you don't, then that which you desire most will invariably come your way.
13. Now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turnin' goldAnd like the sky my soul is also turnin'Turnin' from the past, at last and all I've left behind.
14. I think one of the sweetest lessons taught by the Prophet, and yet one of the saddest, occurred close to the time of his death. He was required to leave his plan and vision of the Rocky Mountains and give himself up to face a court of supposed justice. 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends' (John 15:13). The Prophet Joseph Smith taught us love--by example.
15. Everybody in this life has their challenges and difficulties. That is part of our mortal test. The reason for some of these trials cannot be readily understood except on the basis of faith and hope because there is often a larger purpose which we do not always understand. Peace comes through hope.
Let's Continue With The Quote Number Sixteen.
16. You can wake up every day looking forward to new adventures with hope smiling brightly before you because you have a Savior. You are baptized in His Church.... You just need to stay in, pressing forward with a brightness of hope to your heavenly home.
17. Some of our struggles involve making decisions, while others are a result of the decisions we have made. Some of our struggles result from choices others make that affect our lives. We cannot always control everything that happens to us in this life, but we can control how we respond. Many struggles come as problems and pressures that sometimes cause pain. Others come as temptations, trials, and tribulations.
From Quote Number 18, Don't Give Up.
18. The devil's happy when the critics run you off.
19. But she loves me. Me. Just the way I am.
20. The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time. We are happy because we give thanks.
Thanks for taking your time to read throughout my uplifting inspirational quotes. Am sure you are okay with it all?
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